But Divination Doesn't Do That - November 15, 2024
- CR PJ top - April fender bender on I-30 on-ramp - Soliana suggests they do a circle around the island to examine it before they get any closer and asks to borrow a spyglass. - Zemma also watches from the crow's nest. - Through the spyglass, Soliana observes that there are several small islands rather one medium sized island. Maybe four or five. None more than about a miles across. The nearest island seems mostly barren , just rocks with perhaps some very small vegetation. - Off near one of the islands, there appears to be a shipwreck. - The area with the islands and the glowing lightning looking tendrils (?) is fairly large, so they don't do a whole loop. - They decide to examine the shipwreck first to see if they can glean what caused it to make sure they don't end up shipwrecked. - They load up with three sailors into the landing craft and it's slow going because the four of the five party members are wimps. - The shipwreck is nose down in a sand bar. There are n