I don't think I'm a teakettle - June 11, 2021

- A few mornings after the blob attack, Osiris is attending to her normal duties in the temple and another acolyte, Jacoby, and asks about the person who had been eaten by the slime thing and asked if she had heard about the other ones.

- The other slime mold came from the docks

- Osiris finishes her duties for the morning, then she examines the body (a burly dockworker, Joey) of the second slime attack, and sees that he's been partially dissolved and anything that was metal has dissolved. 

- The she goes to the boarding house to find Lyrielle, who she invites with her to go to the docks to check it out

- When they get to the docks, there are a bunch of people unloading a boat and there is a lot of activity

- They approach the guy yelling orders at everyone and ask about the attack

- A couple of the guys came out of the Crusty Barnacle and saw Joey laying in a ditch with a slimy thing on top of him

- Roy is one of the ones who found him

- He says he saw Joey laying in the ditch with the slimy thing on top of his, and he kicked it a few times, then it lunged at him before he kicked it again and it slid back down into the sewer

- They let Roy get back to hefting heavy things

- Lyrielle heads to the Crusty Barnacle to talk to the barkeep and listen to gossip in case there's information to be gathered

- Osiris heads back to the temple to talk to Birel and basically get permission to investigate this problem

- Birel suggests that she talk to Theophania to see if she knows how to fight the corrosive properties of the slimes bodies

- Osiris finds T in the apothecary muttering to herself over a pile of aquatic plants

- O tells T that she is going down to the sewers to investigate and asks if she wants to come, and T agrees

- O & T get to Callie Curlywit's boarding house and find Raiàn talking to a little old lady who is trying to get R to tell her fortune for some reason and maybe some sort of potion

- O interrupts their conversation to ask if she wants to come down the sewers with them, but when R doesn't answer quickly enough, O turns and goes inside the boarding house without saying another work

- Rusty is in the corridor standing and watching people because he needs to learn how to people

- O asks him if he wants to come with them as well, and he says yes.

- T is very enthusiastic about talking to Rusty about his inner workings, and O tries to subtly separate them, but T doesn't even notice.

- The four of them head to the Crusty Barnacle to see what Lyrielle has found out if anything

- By the time they get there after running around town all day, it's early evening and the pub is HOPPIN with all the dockworkers and sailors who just got off their shift

-  O pokes her head in the door and doesn't really want to go in, but T marches right in and starts looking for people to talk to

- One drunk sailor asks "When did they start letting littl'uns in here?" To which T responds, "Hey, we're allowed to go wherever we want in this city!" Very emphatically. He is taken aback and his friends give him a hard time.

- Rusty and Raiàn walk in and everybody goes quiet

- Raiàn instructs Rusty on how to buy a drink really quickly, and so Rusty goes over to the bar and has his first drink

- He asks T if he is capable of drinking, and she just shrugs at him

- He opens his metal mouth and pours the whole mug of dark, brown ale into his metal gullet and then everyone waits to see what happens.

- He says there is a warm feeling in his midsection.

- This bar does not sell Butterbeer's ales and says it's mostly for halflings. T is going to tell her cousin never to sell to this bar

- Raiàn gets a stronger liquor, which is so strong she exhale-coughs sparks (lightning breath!)

-  A drunk stumbles into O and she gives him the advice to "Drink less" then turns him around gives him a gentle push and he immediately begins vomiting in the gutter.

- O walks over to the storm drain in the street not where the sailor is vomiting and tries to lift the debris bars 

- When she can't lift it, she heads to Town Hall to find out where the sewer's people entrances are

- The barkeeper mentions that some of the dockworkers saw several of them wandering around town, so Rusty and T ask the entire bar who had seen a slime monster

- One guys says he'll tell them if they buy him a drink (they get him one of what Raiàn had), and he says he came out of the bar and saw a lump of something that lunged at him then he kicked it away and stumbled back from it he saw Joey in the ditch with another of the things on him, and then he saw a third one slip into the sewer grate across from X business up the street.

- He says one of the Black Bloods might know. (A crime syndicate, and the rumor is that their leader is a ghost because no one has ever met him, but he somehow manages to run this organization.)

- Raiàn asks too many questions about the BBs and the sailor scarpers off and away from them

- As O is walking towards Town Hall she spies the familiar tall, skinny figure of Magnus Severon, he is wearing a hooded cloak

- MS seems jittery and is almost insulted or angry when she asks him if he knows how to get into the sewers

- He is carrying an empty jar for the purposes of "collecting stuff"

- O gets to city hall and it's closed. Half-way back to the bar she sees a place where you can get into the sewer

- She returns to the pub and her friends

- T is practically in Rusty's lap with her ear pressed against his abdomen listening to liquids sloshing about as he gently wiggles

- A rough looking dude buys O a drink when she arrives, which she politely declines

- Rusty asks the dude if he is a Black Blood. He is not.

- He also asks if he wanted to have sex with O, to which the answer was yes, but she was not interested.

- T also does not want to have sex with him either.

- Everyone finally leaves the bar to go to sleep, and they will meet at city hall in the morning to talk to Theophania's sister-in-law's cousin who works there.

- Lyrielle had gotten bored hours ago and left to wander the streets to see if she could find signs of slimes, but she didn't find anything useful or conclusive in her wanderings

120 XP ea for 600 XP total ea.


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