Sea Battles - November 8, 2024
- Missouri S&T pullover
- Soliana immediately runs over to tell the Captain that he can't rob an Arrandalian ship in front of people from Arrandale.
- Caleb tries to back her up by telling him she is Lady Soliana Ashera, Lady of the Twilit grove and her Aunt is Lady Ialantha Helenelis, handmaiden to the queen.
- The Captain is unmoved.
- The other ship actually from Arrandale signals "Listen closely" and the Storm Caller's crew does not know the correct response (the silence sings), and Soliana and Caleb both refuse to say what the correct answer is.
- The Storm Caller signals back "I'm listening" and the other ship
- Caleb and Zemma started trying to physically drag Soliana below decks, but she teleports out of Zemma's grip directly into the path of a sailor knocking them both down. He kicks her and she rolls over to the railing. She she starts using Prestidigitation to make sparkling lights in the faces of sailors on deck to distract them and Mage Hand to untie knots just tied by sailors to make them do the work again and again. Just a general nuisance. Her book helps by making an annoying humming of anyone within 15' of her causing additional confusion.
- The other ship CRACK disappears from view. Soliana happened to look over and saw it happen and thinks it went invisible.
- The Captain calls for the sailors to stand down.
- Soliana gets herself up and dusts herself off and holding her head as high as she can pretending she still has dignity and she marches down to the galley and sits down in her spot near Hargak and bursts into tears. She and Hargak talk about how her parents were murdered by thieves after telling him they're all thieves, and he is relieved that there's no chance they actually were the ones who murdered the Asheras since they were murdered in the marketplace in Arrandale.
- Niniel tries to tell Soliana off for endangering the crew of the ship they need to get to the place they were paid to investigate. She argues back for a bit, but then just pulls her pillow over her head with one arm while holding her book with the other.
- Once left alone, Soliana spends the rest of the afternoon figuring out how to do the Unseen Servant spells, and then she sends her invisible servant to get her meals until the next afternoon when Niniel drags her out of the room and the entire crew gives her a round of applause while she tries to hide behind a barrel, but Niniel prevents that too.
- A few more days pass on the sea, Soliana learns a bit of cooking from Hargak and gets some canvas and rope scrapes from the bosun(s) and makes herself some book holsters. She shows them off to Niniel and Zemma and Poetry who all think she is adorable.
- Niniel spends all the time she can on deck and sometimes gets in the water to talk to dolphins and fish and things when the wind is calm enough.
- Caleb keeps an eye on Soliana since she's under-aged, but she's too busy learning and making to notice too much.
- Poetry hangs out and makes friends with some of the sailors.
- Zemma is basically one of the crew now. She talks like a sailor, she's dressed like a sailor, and she climbs about in the rigging just as well as any of the crew.
- Soliana learns the Find Familiar spell, and conjures herself a tabby cat she names Stardust.
- That evening the wind has been picking up for a few days, and it's getting colder and colder in the air, and it starts to snow.
- Niniel asks Aldrin if they are near the Icy Expanse, but they are not and Aldrin says that it's very unusual for it to be snowing in the tropics. He consults his maps and they are 3-4 days away from the location they are trying to reach.
- Soliana casts Detect Magic (ritual) and determines the snow is not the direct result of a magical spell, but there is something going on.
- As they are looking around, the ocean starts to light up from underneath, and it looks like lightning under the water.
- Caleb asks if "it's supposed to do that?"
- Niniel calls out, "Hello? Friend?"
- There is a sort of call or cry or screech in response. It does not sound pretty or happy.
- Soliana is also studying this phenomenon and says that it seems like some kind of elemental.
- Niniel asks, "Do you want us to leave?" There's another screech, and it sounds closer than it did before.
- She looks down and sticking to the bow of the ship is a weird frog thing that's glowing softly blue.
- Suddenly there is a second frog it also screeches.
- Poetry moves up to the two frogs just coming over the rail and casts Thunder Wave on them also catching Niniel dealing 5 thunder dmg to all, pushing none.
- Frog2 bites at Poetry, but Soliana casts a Silvery Barbs in its face making it miss.
- Zemma moves up to F3, Rages, and slices into it with a battleaxe for 8 slashing dmg
- Frog3 bites Zemma for 3 (1) piercing and 2 cold dmg and she is grappled.
- Soliana casts Mage Armor on herself as she is moving away from the railing toward the center of the ship
- Frog4 climbs over the railing and then projectile vomits a piece of ice at Caleb for 9 bludgeoning and 7 cold dmg, knocking him unconscious.
- Caleb is dying.
- F5 climbs over the railing and vomits ice at Soliana, but she saw what the last one did and dodges.
- Niniel Hexes Frog3 and then Eldritch Blasts it for 12 force and necrotic dmg.
- Poetry summons Ember (Wildfire Spirit) and then tells Ember to attack F2 which it does for 13 fire dmg.
- F2 misses biting Poetry again.
- Zemma wriggles free of the froggie maw easily. Zemma gives a draconic war cry and F2 and F3 now grant Advantage until the start of her next turn.
- F3 misses biting Zemma.
- Soliana runs over to Caleb, force feeds him a health potion (6 HP) and then runs back towards Aldrin.
- F4 vomits an ice projectile at Zemma for 6 (3) bludgeoning and 2 cold dmg.
- Caleb stands up asking what's going on, "Frogs!" Soliana calls from 20' away. So then he pulls out his short bow and shoots F3 for 14 piercing dmg. The F3 explodes into a snow flurry and dissipates on the wind. He drops prone along the edge of the stairs making himself a much smaller target for the ice balls.
- F5 misses Niniel with an ice vomit.
- Niniel moves the Hex to F2 calling F5 a jerk as she does so then she casts Eldritch Blast on F2 for 17 force / necrotic dmg and it poofs into snow.
- Poetry moves next to Niniel and casts Thunder Wave on F5 for 13 thunder dmg and it goes flying backwards into the ocean. Ember throws a Flame Seed at F4 for 4 fire dmg
- Zemma moves around the bowsprit to F4 and then misses with her axe
- Soliana casts Magic Missile on F4 for 7 force dmg.
- F4 misses biting Zemma.
- Caleb stands back up and shoots F4 for 11 piercing dmg. Then he drops and tucks against the stairs again.
- Niniel Hexes F4 and then casts Eldritch Blast on it for 12 force / necrotic dmg and it explodes into a flurry of snow.
- Niniel runs to the edge of the ship and the lightning thing is still there.
- Aldrin asks if they needs to change course, but Niniel says she isn't the captain.
- Soliana stops cowering against Aldrin long enough to do a Message spell to the lightning under the water and says, "Please leave us alone. We're just passing through."
- Aldrin makes the decision to slightly adjust course and they do start moving away from the lightning. They just wandered into its territory?
- After some time Aldrin adjusts course back to the intended destination.
- In the afternoon of the third day after, land is sighted. There is some kind of island there, and it is definitely snowing. There is more of the green lightning in the water around the island.
- 690 XP total
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