Ship Life - November 1, 2024

 - LOTR in a D20


- From the Silverwind Trading company, Soliana learns that the book came in a shipment that came from Adderly in the Southern Continent (Scaldras) from a private seller named Thornwick Elsmere. 

- The day after that information is acquired everyone meets at the Storm Caller. Niniel asks a sailor for Captain Thomas Gringamore who is a tall, sturdy human man. He looks over everyone with a gimlet eye.

- The coordinates given to the Captain are mostly east-southeast. 

- The Captain asks if they know what they are look for, and Soliana explains that Sir Foxglove has observed / studied the ley lines, and that they are moving and he has triangulated the origin of the movement to the coordinates that the captain has. No idea what will be there when they get there.

- A halfling sailor (cabin boy) named Finn (Bristleback) is asked to show them to their quarters.

- Niniel tries to compliment Soliana on talking to strangers, and Soliana says that she knew Niniel would let her know if she did it wrong, and when Niniel tells her that "isn't healthy", Soliana turns to Zemma and says, "See, I did it wrong." 

- There are two quarters with four hammocks in each room, two stacked vertically on each wall.

- The ship's cook is an orc male named Hargak who begrudgingly consents to let them use his stove over night.

- Soliana says she wouldn't mind watching Hargak cook since she's never been allowed in a kitchen before, and that she can help clean up and she Prestidigitations some dirty cookware clean. It's the cleanest it's been, possibly, since it was new.

- It only takes about ten minutes before Soliana and Hargak have a system where she uses Prestidigitation on anything he places in a certain area and she just reads the book on ley lines and casts absentmindedly.

- Caleb hangs out near Soliana because he has been tasked with protecting her and he doesn't know the crew yet to know if any of them might be a danger to her.

- Zemma goes looking for a job on the ship and starts learning knots and how to climb the rigging and things.

- A sailor named Jack starts talking to Soliana and she says she an Adventurer, but she's new at it. She just saw the ocean for the first time the day before yesterday.

- Jack and Caleb and Niniel argue about whether her trident is a knife or not, and they eventually stop arguing with her mostly to avoid being stabbed.

- Soliana can barely eat dinner because she is immediately seasick.

- Hargak gets out of kitchen duty like 90 minutes early because of Soliana's magical cleaning and Poetry gets started brewing the first Potion of Water Breathing. She's also casting Guidance through the door on one particular sailor enough that his shipmates are accusing him of cheating.

- A tall, thin elf (Aldrin) witnesses Soliana's seasickness, her response, "I just saw the ocean for the first time the day before yesterday and now it's trying to kill me."

- He gives her some advice about deep breaths and watching a point on the horizon and after a bit she starts to feel less like death. 

- Aldrin also give her some lemongrass to make into tea and goes about his business observing the rest of the crew, barking order occasionally as needed.

- Eventually they all get some rest.

- The next morning there's a little bit of a storm with some thunder and lightning. 

- Soliana manages to keep all her food down with the help of the lemongrass.

- And so a week passes.

- During that time there's a stall day, and Niniel takes a rope and drags Soliana down into the ocean to start teaching her how to swim. She's just in her slip and she's wet and shivering and there's a sailor Niniel catches checking out the sodden elf girl, and Niniel gets onto him. Soliana Prestidigitation dries herself dry and scrambles back into her dress and goes for hot tea.

- Niniel also helps Poetry experiment with her wildfire spirit (Ember) and it makes a lot of steam obscuring a fair space.

- While this experiment is happening another ship (flying the flags of Arrandale) is sighted, and Captain Gringamore says "Let's go get 'em!"

- 540 XP total


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