New Campaign, who dis? - June 4, 2021

- Raiàn is followed to Mistverge by a mechanical being with large, noticeable weapons and no clothing
RET-CON - He walked along the bottom of the river to follow her and then walked out of the river past the city walls when she went into Mistverge and found her somehow. He may become Mistverge urban legend someday.

- It is mid-afternoon at Callie Curlywit's and Theophania and Osiris have come for tea 
- There's a parlor (sitting room /lounge) there's a couple of human reading some kind of pamphlet and large, blue-ish / purple dragon-looking creature sitting there
- T walks right up to R and starts asking every question that pops into her head, which is all of them
- Raiàn came UNDER the mountains through some tunnels they found until they came to the river
- Magnus Severon (Callie's longest-term boarder who is a wizard) comes in (he's tall and thin) and Theophania's got a question for him about a locking spell she's trying to invent
- A man made of metal shows up in the doorway
- Osiris approaches the metal man and asks what they can help him with
- Callie exclaims "Paladine protect us!"
- He asks to talk to Raiàn. He says he woke up because of her footsteps.
- Raiàn is very confused because she doesn't remember him at all.
- He's having trouble remembering much of anything so he just followed Raiàn for weeks.
- Theophania calls for Magnus who might know things.
- Magnus does not know things.
- Theophania believes he's a people because he thinks he wants to be a people
- They are still talking about whether or not this unnamed thing is a people or not when there is a scream in the street
- They all flood out of the boarding house and see what looks like a large blob of black-ish mucus enveloping a person
- Theophania starts running towards the person and Lyrielle blows right past her.

- Lyrielle (who hasn't spoken or introduced herself yet) runs out and punches the blob
- Raiàn pops out of Callie's door and immediately shoots it with three Magic Missiles
- The BLOB attacks Lyrielle but misses then it misses again then hits her for 3 bludgeoning dmg and 4 acid damage
- Theophania runs towards Lyrielle and then shots the BLOB with her repeating crossbow for 8 piercing dmg
- The Metal Man Dashes up to the BLOB
- Osiris moves where she can see around MM and casts Guiding Bolt on the BLOB
- The BLOB attacks Lyrielle again for 2 bludgeoning dmg and 7 acid damage, and Lyrielle drops unconscious

- L is not doing great.
- R shots the BLOB with Ray of Sickness for poison dmg
- The BLOB attacks MM for 5 bludgeoning and 10 acid dmg and then misses 
- T moves up to L and casts Cure Wounds on her for 8 HP. Theophania thinks this is like an ooze or a gelatinous cube, but this one is lumpier and smells like sewer
- MM plunges an arm into the BLOB to try to grab the halfling and grabs something, but he just has a leg. Just a leg. His eyes turn red (RAGE)
- Osiris Channels the Divine and gives temporary HP to everyone
- The BLOB misses the prone Lyrielle

- Lyrielle stands up moves to flank with MM and smacks it with her staff for 9 bludgeoning dmg and then she Disengages and moves back 20'
- Raiàn casts Firebolt on it, but the fire dmg kind of fizzles
- The BLOB attacks MM and misses
- Theophania shoots the BLOB with her crossbow for 109 piercing dmg
- MM misses with his greatsword
- Osiris casts Guiding Bolt on the BLOB for 15 radiant dmg then darts back behind a bush
- The BLOB misses MM

- Lyrielle darts in again and smacks it for 7 bludgeoning dmg and then she Disengages again and back flips away
- Raiàn casts Chromatic Orb on the BLOB for 8 cold damage freezing the thing solid and then it crumbles into a bunch of pieces

- Osiris gathers up the remains of the halfling and takes them to the temple and Lyrielle follows
- Theophania starts poking the shards of the BLOB
- Two town guards finally show up and T gives a brief summary of what happens then her legs turn to jelly and she sort of collapses where she's standing
- Callie takes her inside and MM and Raiàn follow to get more tea
- MM picks the name Rusty since his protocols need to be updated also he's a reddish-colored metal.

Meanwhile on the walk to the Temple
- Lyrielle introduces herself to Osiris
- Osiris asks her if she's a monk of Mishakal, but she's more a devotee of Branchala
- They get to the temple and Osiris takes the body to the death rites area and Birel gives her a look
- Lyrielle get directions to the library
- She asks the librarian if they know anything about blobs or oozes or slimes
- The librarian doesn't know anything, so she goes into another part of the temple to ask around 
- Osiris goes to the library to ask about men made of metal, but the librarian has never heard of anything like that either
- Osiris then heads back to Callie's to check on Theophania

- 180 XP each for 480 XP total ea.


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