I don't think I'm a teakettle - June 11, 2021
- A few mornings after the blob attack, Osiris is attending to her normal duties in the temple and another acolyte, Jacoby, and asks about the person who had been eaten by the slime thing and asked if she had heard about the other ones. - The other slime mold came from the docks - Osiris finishes her duties for the morning, then she examines the body (a burly dockworker, Joey) of the second slime attack, and sees that he's been partially dissolved and anything that was metal has dissolved. - The she goes to the boarding house to find Lyrielle, who she invites with her to go to the docks to check it out - When they get to the docks, there are a bunch of people unloading a boat and there is a lot of activity - They approach the guy yelling orders at everyone and ask about the attack - A couple of the guys came out of the Crusty Barnacle and saw Joey laying in a ditch with a slimy thing on top of him - Roy is one of the ones who found him - He says he saw Joey laying in the ditch wit...