
Showing posts from March, 2021

Family Ties - Another Back Story - This time for a halfling artificer (alchemist)

Great-aunt Thessalie taught me a lot. Like so much, you have no idea. She said she saw a spark in me, and that's why she asked the Temple to hire me to be her "companion" when she got too old to run the hospital wing anymore. Let me tell you, just because she started having trouble walking quickly and her hands didn't have the grip to use a mortar and pestle anymore didn't mean there was anything wrong with her mind. The magic of Mishakal was too strong in her for her mind to ever get weak. At least, that's what I think. Before I ever came to run her errands and help her get dressed and be her hands, she'd already had Adventures and been a diplomat and a trader and an advisor and healer to the King of Rhoanor and ran the entire hospital wing of the largest Temple to Mishakal in all the human lands. She told the best stories. She told me that she saved my grandfather Eldon, her older brother, from the possession (she never would say exactly from what) and d